Lidia Rosado

Lidia Rosado

Welcome to Just for You.

Devotionals created with the women of Western Europe in mind.

Where is God?

I am Lidia Rosado living in Portugal and with this year 2020 so atypical that the world is in total turmoil we hear asking…
Where is God? “…

It is simply impossible that He does not know what is happening. He knows your thoughts, your ways, your intentions, your motives, your battles, even those that are fought in the mind.
And that God seeks us, searches us, knows us.

Our most common and casual moments are completely familiar to Him. Some say,
“He is too busy for me, he has more important things to do …”
It is not how the Bible presents him.
He understands us, loves us and is taking care of everything. ”

Psalm 121 “… I am sure that the small and beautiful things in life are really God communicating with us…”
Let the Word of God remain in us (1 John 2: 13-14).
Because if our trust is in Christ … (1 John 5: 5)
God’s grace gives us victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
God has glorious promises for us overcomers.
“But in all these things we are more than winners, for the One who loved us.” (Romans 8:37)
God bless His people powerfully.

A hug for all women fighting in the cause of Mestre Jesus

Lidia Rosado

Where is God

Welcome to Just for You.

Devotionals created with the women of Western Europe in mind.

Where is God?

I am Lidia Rosado living in Portugal and with this year 2020 so atypical that the world is in total turmoil we hear asking…
Where is God? “…

It is simply impossible that He does not know what is happening. He knows your thoughts, your ways, your intentions, your motives, your battles, even those that are fought in the mind.
And that God seeks us, searches us, knows us.

Our most common and casual moments are completely familiar to Him. Some say,
“He is too busy for me, he has more important things to do …”
It is not how the Bible presents him.
He understands us, loves us and is taking care of everything. ”

Psalm 121 “… I am sure that the small and beautiful things in life are really God communicating with us…”
Let the Word of God remain in us (1 John 2: 13-14).
Because if our trust is in Christ … (1 John 5: 5)
God’s grace gives us victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
God has glorious promises for us overcomers.
“But in all these things we are more than winners, for the One who loved us.” (Romans 8:37)
God bless His people powerfully.

A hug for all women fighting in the cause of Mestre Jesus