

Born to shine! 
When mom Kathy asked me to do this blog, she didn’t know that this year the vision for my life was precisely to get inside myself to get to know myself better, my strengths, my weaknesses, everything that makes me me and from there knowing who I want to be in Christ, so I had 11 months to think about it, meditate and I learned so much.

It’s true, I’ve always had trouble positioning myself in the world, I felt not strong enough, too “fragile”, a real sponge on emotions (mine but also those of others), too sensitive to everything what could happen and all that really made me think I wasn’t in my place, but God revealed to me and I believe that this goes for all: we were born, God put us on earth, “for a time like this one ”, to Shine!

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its flavor, what will it be used for? (…) You are the light of the world. A city on a mountain cannot be hidden; »Matthew 5V13 and 14. 

How to shine for God if not by taking the perfect example, his son. It really made me want to identify with Jesus, the desire to show my generation and the generation to come that there is hope, that we can make a difference and live in this very world. against the tide, precisely against the tide. To love as Jesus loved, to forgive as Jesus forgave, to give as Jesus gave when everything pushes to be and to do the opposite. 

It’s a mission and faced with those around me who don’t necessarily understand I just want to show them that this is true happiness: “In all, I have shown you that you have to work like this. , to help the weak, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, who himself said: There is more happiness in giving than in receiving. Acts 20:35 

We all need someone who believes in us, so I now see them differently, with much more patience and mercy I try to show them that they matter, that they are valuable because bought back at a great price and what a great price. And above all, I trust in God’s Love for their souls because even if we are called to resemble him more and more and to show the way, only Jesus saves. 

So I encourage you, your life counts, your voice counts, what you have received from God, the treasure he has placed in you, there is only you to share and offer it around you. 

The world needs more and more people who have a desire to reflect Christ.
I encourage you to make this decision, to make this choice: Shine! 


Julie Robert

Born 31 years ago in Reunion Island, a small island in the Indian Ocean, I live there with my husband and together we serve in the Church of God.