The Wind and Waves Obey Him

The Wind and Waves Obey Him

Read Mark 4:35-41


Experienced fishermen, those like Peter, James and John that were used to fishing at night, were familiar with the power of storms that happen in the dark of night at sea. Yet, these same disciples were terrified by a storm when Jesus was with them. It must have been one powerful tempest! 

Waves beat the ship and it filled with water. Jesus was in the back of the ship sleeping. He had told them that they were going to the other side and He was there with them physically. But the storm was so violent that they were sure they would not make it.

The disciples thought that Jesus did not even care that they were about to go under. They sought to wake Him, saying, “Master, don’t you care that we’re about to perish?” Jesus awoke and arose. He rebuked the wind and said to the storm, “Peace be still.”  Immediately, the wind stopped and suddenly there was a great calm! He then turned to rebuke them for their lack of faith. He put the fear of God into them as they turned to one another and asked, “Who can this be, that even the wind and sea obey Him!”

Do you feel as if you are on a ship and are sinking in life’s ocean? As a follower of Christ, He is there on the boat! Are you tempted to think that Jesus is sleeping on the job and is unconcerned about your situation? 

It is not Jesus who needs to wake up, but us. We must awaken our faith to His promises, His unfailing presence and His willingness to get us to the other side, right where He has been directing us to go.