Single and Stopped From Work and School

Single and Stopped From Work and School

It’s indeed a so called challenging season. Never thought that I’d witness such a historical moment that, with great probability, all history books will talk about. 

I currently live in Italy, precisely in Milan Lombardia. Yes, in the most affected region during the pandemic. 

As you probably now, Italy has been the first foreign country with the highest number of deaths and covid infections. 

I still find it hard to think that from one week to the next I found myself at home, deprived of the freedom to go out. To tell you the truth, before the lockdown broke out, I was in Hawaii on vacation. So you can think of the huge transition I went through. One day I was at the beach and the next day locked in the house.

It is strange to have that feeling of not having certainties in life. To see your plans collapse one after the other. And even the idea of being at home for months without the possibility of going out is so strange for me.

Every day, the numbers of patiens were increasing. Italy was always in first place as far as covid deaths is concerned. I heard several ambulance sirens passing by the neighbourhood i live in. It had become a reality in which it was difficult to maintain positivity.

I imagined if after the lockdown, what it would be like to return to work. Would we have our masks on? 

And at the university? How could I take my exams if I couldn’t go to class?

Looking back over the past months, I felt a sense of external tension but at the same time I felt an inner security beating in my heart. 

Despite the stress and frustration that can come from feeling deprived of one’s personal freedom, I was able to enjoy the privilege of owning much, if not too much time at my disposal. 

I could not go out with friends but in return, I had more time to spend with God. 

Every day I was always busy at work and immerse in my studies. It is not easy to work and study at the same time. 

Besides, there was the church to think about.

My days were always full. I arrived tired from work and I still had to study.

Because of the thousand commitments, the time I dedicated to the Lord was no longer what it used to be.

I was just reading the Bible at night before going to sleep, but I knew that inside me, the Lord wanted me to spend more time in intimacy in His presence.

With the arrival of the pandemic, I can say with great enthusiasm that I had the opportunity to devote more time to the study of God’s Word. I rediscovered the great pleasure of reading the Bible for hours, praying and listening to God’s voice. I resumed reading those books that, because of the hectic life, had remained untouched.

Morning and evening I was immersed in His word. If I did not read the Bible then I was watching  preaching of pastors online.

I couldn’t go out with friends but in return, with great joy, this pandemic, although it may have caused many deaths, was a moment of inner enrichment.

It was a kind of preparation to face with strong faith the return to the new normality.

After the lockdown I went back to work and I must admit that, unlike my colleagues, I did not have that spirit of fear but I possessed a spirit of peace and serenity. I knew inside me that God was with me and would always be there to protect me anywhere I’d go.

All in all, despite the various economic and physical problems that this Covid brought, it also served as a wake-up call so that I could return to spend a moment of intimacy in God’s presence.