08 Apr Recognize Who He Is
I am so glad you joined me here on our women’s web page for the Church of
God across Western Europe. What a wonderful season it is that we can be
together. I want to talk to you for just a few minutes about recognizing who Jesus really is. In this world, we are all prone to recognize different things that we like. I recognize a brand of lotion that I use. Wherever I might be I can recognize it on the shelf. Men, especially they like to recognize different cars, different types of cars, different models and different years. I never have been real good at that. But it is important. Young people, they recognize the media, different icons and different techniques. Things that are important to us, we learn to recognize even as a child. A child can recognize their mom or their dad among many people.
But isn’t it something that a lot of people don’t recognize who Jesus is? Some even think that there is no God, there is not a Messiah or Jesus, the son of God.
But today we know that Jesus is real. Today we know that this is the season of lent, the season, in fact, it is Palm Sunday and next weekend we will celebrate life. LIFE! because Jesus did not stay in the grave. We recognize as believers and faith in Him that He is alive. He came forth from the grave on the third day and He took time while he was there in that forgotten place to go into hell and take the keys of life and death away from that enemy.
Yes, Jesus is alive and I recognize him.
Did you know that there is a story, a short little scripture in the Bible that talks about that even his own followers did not recognize who he was?
Hmm….. Does that sound like us sometimes? When we are going through hard
times, when we want an answer and there doesn’t seem to be any word and we
can’t seem to recognize where he is or what He is doing in our life? Or maybe even where he is leading? Do you remember the story in Luke 24, where it is just after the disciples have discovered that his body is no longer in the tomb. And now just a little while later, to of his disciples are walking on the road to Emmaus. Now can you imagine how down-hearted they were? How
disappointed that the King who they thought would rule and reign, now he has
been crucified. He was laid to rest and now his body is gone!
Dear Lord! What do you think they were thinking? Well, obviously in this
scripture, from verse 13 of chapter 24 on, it talks about the disciples were
discussing among themselves what had transpired just previously in
Jerusalem. There appears another man to begin to walk with them and they
didnt recognize who he was. In fact he ssaid, ” whats wrong what has
happened ‘and they were just wow You don’t know whatt has happened?And
they related everything to him And he discussed with them about the law and
things that should come to pass and things that perhaps this fulfilled.
They really enjoyed listening to what the man had to say. In fact, they so
enjoyed it and enjoyed his company so much that they asked him to stop and
come into the house where they were going to stay the night. They asked him
to have food with them.
Well just imagine, they are in this thorough deep conversation abou tall the
things that have happened. they drew near to the village that they went in. The Bible says in verse 30,
“Now it came to pass as he sat at the table with them. He took bread and
blessed it and broke it and he gave it to them and then their eyes were opened and they knew, THEY RECOGNIZED HIM and then, He vanished in front of
their eyes.”
I wonder how many people today that we know, they recognize many things in
their life. They recognize their bank accounts, they recognize what they need at the grocery store, they recognize what children need. They recognize many things but when it comes to their own life, to their own soul, to their own eternity, their eyes are blinded and they do not recognize that Jesus is standing right their beside them, to allow them to invite him in.
His love is free! .He died on the cross and rose from the dead! Amen! So that we could live with him forever . …….But that requires ONE recognition. “Father I am a sinner, I have done things that I should not have done. I have said things that I should not have said. I recognize that you are the Lord and you will forgive me and be my friend and my savior forever.”
I invite you today to recognize that Jesus is alive and he loves you so much He is waiting to be your friend. It requires one recognition.
“I am lost and I need you.”
Let’s Pray:
Jesus, thank you that you loved us, MANKIND so much that you gave your
life. You rose from the dead to live forever in heaven so that we too might ask forgiveness and come in ONE ON ONE with you.
And know that you are our friend, our Savior, our Lord. We will live with you when that day comes forever and forever. Come into our life . Forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all the things we should not do. In the name of Jesus we thank you for this, that you hear our prayer Amen
I pray that you asked him to be your friend today, your Savior. All of the bad is gone, All of the things that you should not do and He is your friend. And so am I !! Welcome to the family of God. I am glad you recognized who he is and next month, you will recognize me. We will look forward to seeing you soon . Make sure you call back on email or get in touch with one of our ladies across Western Europe so that you can be a part of the family of God, so we can pray together and help each other as we grow. God Bless!
Have a wonderful Easter Season and a joyous time with him!