Not My Will

Not My Will

Welcome to Just for You.

Devotionals created with the women of Western Europe in mind.

Not My Will


My name is Kathy. I am the Director of Women’s ministry across Western Europe for women and children, 13 countries.  That is a lot of ladies, a lot of places and a lot of children.  My heart is to make sure that ladies know they are important and that the younger women know that they are vital to all that happens in the church and for the Lord, wherever we go.

Today, as I was thinking about this devotion, I thought about the scripture in Luke 22:42 that says, “ Not my will but thine be done….” These were the very words that Jesus spoke to the Father in the garden the night he was betrayed.

I thought about this.  What does “not my will” mean?  It’s up to me, how I act.  It’s up to me, what I do.  I can say, “I will go, I will do that. I will clean my house. I will act that way.  I will even like or love those who don’t treat me very nicely.”

I have a will and it is up to me the way that I act!  It’s up to me, what happens. You see, it is in my power but there is something that happens to us when we ask Jesus to be our friend, our Savior.  Our “WILL” melts into his. And we, we think differently.

The Bible says in II Cor. 5: 17 that the things that we once hated, now we like and the things we once liked… we don’t like them anymore.  In fact, the Word says that God makes all things new!  Yes, our will changes.  He helps us to understand that his way is best.

In the garden that night when Jesus prayed, he was being betrayed by one of his trusted friends.  He did not want to die on the cross but God his Father said, it is best because this is a plan for all mankind, YOU, ME, EVERYBODY could find Jesus as their savior and live in heaven with him forever. Jesus submitted his will to the Father so we could have life eternally.

I challenge you today that you would give your will over to the Lord again, perhaps, this is the first time ever, perhaps, it is a start over or maybe, we just need a fresh fire today.

So, I challenge you, let’s pray and say, “Lord, not my will but yours be done.”


Let’s pray:

Lord, we thank you that you give us a choice.  We have a will that can say yes or can say no. Today we ask that you help us to give our will over to you.  Start new in us. Forgive us of wrongdoing. Help us to think before we act.  Lord, let us be women of light to help others around us.  Thank you Lord for hearing our prayer.  Amen


Now friend, I want to challenge you again. Go to the contact button on this web page and put your information in.   You might say, “Yes I prayed with you today.  Yes, I like these devotional pages.  Yes, I found Jesus. Or, I started over.”  Whatever it is, put it in that contact, send it to us and one of my team will be back with you.  Because we want to help you, we want to pray with you, we want to encourage you to continue letting his will be done in your life.

I am counting on you ladies! Let US make this web page a “LIGHT “for all women across Western Europe.

God bless you. Have a great day and I hope to see you soon …..on CONTACT!

Not My Will

Not My Will

Welcome to Just for You.

Devotionals created with the women of Western Europe in mind.

Not My Will


My name is Kathy. I am the Director of Women’s ministry across Western Europe for women and children, 13 countries.  That is a lot of ladies, a lot of places and a lot of children.  My heart is to make sure that ladies know they are important and that the younger women know that they are vital to all that happens in the church and for the Lord, wherever we go.

Today, as I was thinking about this devotion, I thought about the scripture in Luke 22:42 that says, “ Not my will but thine be done….” These were the very words that Jesus spoke to the Father in the garden the night he was betrayed.

I thought about this.  What does “not my will” mean?  It’s up to me, how I act.  It’s up to me, what I do.  I can say, “I will go, I will do that. I will clean my house. I will act that way.  I will even like or love those who don’t treat me very nicely.”

I have a will and it is up to me the way that I act!  It’s up to me, what happens. You see, it is in my power but there is something that happens to us when we ask Jesus to be our friend, our Savior.  Our “WILL” melts into his. And we, we think differently.

The Bible says in II Cor. 5: 17 that the things that we once hated, now we like and the things we once liked… we don’t like them anymore.  In fact, the Word says that God makes all things new!  Yes, our will changes.  He helps us to understand that his way is best.

In the garden that night when Jesus prayed, he was being betrayed by one of his trusted friends.  He did not want to die on the cross but God his Father said, it is best because this is a plan for all mankind, YOU, ME, EVERYBODY could find Jesus as their savior and live in heaven with him forever. Jesus submitted his will to the Father so we could have life eternally.

I challenge you today that you would give your will over to the Lord again, perhaps, this is the first time ever, perhaps, it is a start over or maybe, we just need a fresh fire today.

So, I challenge you, let’s pray and say, “Lord, not my will but yours be done.”


Let’s pray:

Lord, we thank you that you give us a choice.  We have a will that can say yes or can say no. Today we ask that you help us to give our will over to you.  Start new in us. Forgive us of wrongdoing. Help us to think before we act.  Lord, let us be women of light to help others around us.  Thank you Lord for hearing our prayer.  Amen


Now friend, I want to challenge you again. Go to the contact button on this web page and put your information in.   You might say, “Yes I prayed with you today.  Yes, I like these devotional pages.  Yes, I found Jesus. Or, I started over.”  Whatever it is, put it in that contact, send it to us and one of my team will be back with you.  Because we want to help you, we want to pray with you, we want to encourage you to continue letting his will be done in your life.

I am counting on you ladies! Let US make this web page a “LIGHT “for all women across Western Europe.

God bless you. Have a great day and I hope to see you soon …..on CONTACT!