Never Not A Soldier

Never Not A Soldier

 Read: 2 Timothy 2:1-7

Army Sgt. Mary Ehiarinmwian was off duty. She was driving to the base that day in 2020 when the car in front of her lost control, collided with a road sign, flipped over and landed upside down. Ehiarinmwain pulled over and rushed to the car, assessed the driver for injuries and pulled the woman to safety as smoke billowed from the wreckage. She said later, “I thought the car was going to burst into flames. But, at the time, I didn’t think of the danger.” The only thing on her mind was making sure the driver was safe.

Sgt. Ehiarinmwian was trained as a soldier. She responded as a soldier. She rushed toward the danger to save a life because, in her mind, a soldier does what a soldier is trained to do, on or off duty. 

What she didn’t know is that the life she saved was of another soldier from her unit. In 2020, Sgt. Mary Ehiarinmwian was honored as the USO Soldier of the Year for her bravery but, that on the day of the accident, after the emergency services took over, she calmly went on with her usual responsibilities not wanting or expecting any recognition for her actions. 

The Apostle Paul instructs his protégé, Timothy, to endure suffering as a good soldier. He goes on to say, in Verse 4, “No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.” In short, a soldier has a singular focus and that is pleasing the One you report to.

There is never a moment that we are “off duty” in representing Christ. We never end our time of service or retire from being a soldier of the Lord. Like this valiant woman, we must be so focused that we run toward the mess and danger for the sake of those God has called us to. As in this story, there in the wreckage was another soldier in need. You may be surprised at the people the Holy Spirit leads you to help.  

Serving people, if we are honest, is almost always inconvenient. We often have the best opportunities at the absolute worst times! Like the Good Samaritan, God’s true people show up for those whom others pass by. 

In 2023, let us be ready to be used by God in unusual ways. May we be always-ready soldier and the first on the scene when someone else is in need. Let us pray for the Lord to place us at the center of someone’s urgent need. Who’s to say, it may be us one day that desperately needs another soldier standing by.