My World Completely Changed

My World Completely Changed

When your rhythm is stopped: “And now that you are alone with me, where will your faith be?”

Last year I thought I had the most challenging year of my life, but I was wrong, 2020 has come with its part of “surprises”. Maybe you will recognize yourself through the few words I leave here.

Victor and I both work in the secular environment, and serve God together , first in praise and worship, and before confinement, for a long time, in various other areas where our help was needed.

As we did our planning at the start of the year, we figured out that it was going to be an even busier year than usual. But that was not God’s plan. Quarantine came, the world was in the KO, but for us this season has turned a lot of things upside down and brought us back to basics. Mainly because our rhythm has been stopped, the links with the outside very restricted, only by the mode of communication at our disposal, even the life of the church has been turned upside down. Back to basics, because during this very special season we have certainly returned to our first love for God, we have relearned to listen to Him, without the outside influence. A back to basics for the commission that he entrusted to us on Earth: sharing about HIM and to be HIS witnesses, but also we refocused on what God had given us since the beginning of our couple: leading people to praise and worship God no matter what.

You know, sometimes you know you have to slow down and there are signs that never lie. Either God will tell us clearly, or if we are not attentive enough, he will allow situations that will show us that we must stop. But I don’t know if it’s the fear of disappointing those around us and with whom we are committed, the fear of not doing enough, or the fact of having the feeling of existing through what we do, or a mixture of all, that causes us to overload ourselves. For us, it took us the quarantine time to stop us in our race.

What we have understood through these times is that sometimes we find ourselves doing things that for a time were certainly necessary, surely in God’s plan, because there was a need, but those things were not supposed to occupy our time on the long term. During this quarantine several changes in our Church life led us to separate ourselves from many of our responsibilities, and after the quarantine, we found ourselves there, just us and God. And despite all of our foundations, everything we had built on, even our future, we felt like everything was falling apart. At that precise moment, we turned to God and we had this question that came up, “and now that you are alone with me where will your faith be?” Perhaps that is the question I would like to leave on your heart today.

Maybe like me during the lockdown your rhythm was totally broken, lots of changes happened, everything you were counting on, and the way you thought you would build your future collapsed. I want to tell you: don’t live that as a defeat, as if you had to start all over again, but see it as an opportunity to refocus on the essential!

One day, someone whom we greatly appreciate and who will surely recognize himself by reading these words, in a training session told us about the difference between accepting Jesus in your life and giving Him your life. I don’t know about you, but we often make our own plans and accept God inside and instead of us following Him, we ask Him to follow us. 

I can say that this season has been a new commitment to TOTALLY GIVE OUR LIVES TO GOD. Refocus on HIM, on HIS WORD, on THE 1st COMMISSION he gave us, that of speaking about him. Let’s not overload ourselves with activities that prevent us from doing what we are supposed to do, but let’s be where God wants us to be.




“I am Aurelie, I live in Paris I am 34 years old. I am married to Victor, a wonderful man whom God has placed by my side for 14 years now. Our passion is Jesus, our favorite mode of communication is music, and the way we love to bring people to reach the heart of God is through praise and worship. “