My Favorite Things

My Favorite Things


When I think about all of my favorite things, so much pops into my head. For instance, I love to read and watch movies. I love to hang out with friends and be a social butterfly. Favorite things can be a broad term when it comes to yourself, but my favorites all come from the root of everything that is good, God. My favorite things that God has given me are my family, my laugh, people who make me smile, and helping me to make others smile. 

In Romans 15:13 it says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’ Reading that in the context of my favorite things, I realize that God has gifted us with so much. He has made us whole. My favorite things about Him are His never-ending love and the way He continues to care for us, even after we have wronged Him. For God gifted us with our most precious things, the things that we adore, to show us that even in the shadows, He is a light. 



Emma Bono

Emma is a high school student from Florida, USA. This summer she will be attending University and studying English, Education and Journalism.