Keeping Me New

Keeping Me New

What’s New?

Absolutely nothing but Covid but I can keep every day new, if I choose to. During the last few months and being at home all the time changed my life! Looking at my picture you probably wonder how could your life be very different? Until Covid hit, I was rarely at home. I was always on the move; meeting new people weekly, packing suitcases, traveling by car or plane, eating out, thinking about what I might say to encourage people, planning my schedule and only at home maybe 2 days in a week. But this existing world of the last 8 years came to an abrupt stop! How would I now cope with such a drastic change? How could I keep my attitudes, my demeanor, even the way I would dress daily, new? I knew it was how I started each day but really, could I do it and just be at home? It was up to me and a good frame of mind not to let things slide. Sigh!Being determined will take you far in life but it is important to be guided by God’s word, especially during a strange and scary time. Every morning I began with a time to meditate, read the Bible and pray. Then, I was able to focus better on that day, choosing to get dressed, even put some light makeup on ( even if I worked in the yard). I made the bed and kept the house as if a visitor might come. Not! I chose to keep everyday new and good as if I were preparing to go out. Sometimes what was happening around me in the world was overwhelming, then I had to stop, breathe, look up and say a prayer. Then I would do something I enjoyed rather than what had become the “norm”. I found reading, writing ( I like to write), putting a puzzle together, gardening or playing a game helped me to relax. Life has a way of pulling on one’s emotions but it is up to you how your day begins!I want to challenge you to share with us, right here on this blog page how you make your day NEW everyday, especially during these last 6-8 months. How has it changed you to keep all things NEW-everyday going forward? All of us will be looking. Talk soon. Kathy



Connect with me here on this web page through contact us. I look forward to hearing your feedback. This page is for you! For conversations, questions, concerns about general life in the life of our younger women across Western Europe. You are a now generation! Facing uncertain times in every situation can be frightening. Here, you will find real life experiences from many different younger women, countries, cultures and languages. Join us and be a part of our blog page “What’s New?” around Western Europe!