06 Dec God’s Love is Amazing
Do you want to get healed? Do you need a breakthrough in your relationships, in your finances, in your spiritual growth? Are you weathering a heavy storm right now? I would like to encourage you my friend, my dear sister in the Lord, never think – I plead with you – not even for a second that you are alone in your struggles. In Deuteronomy 31,6 we read: “The Lord your God goes with you, He will never leave you, nor forsake you”. In Matthew 20, 28 our Lord Jesus promised: “And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age”, and His promises are forever true.
Let me ask you this: As a mother, as a daughter, as a wife, as a sister, as a friend what would be your first reaction seeing your loved one suffering, needing help? Would you not come to the rescue? Would you not want to be there to share the burden? You most definitely would. That is the response of true love.
Imagine now please our Heavenly Father seeing you struggling, emotionally, financially, physically, and mentally, no matter what the issue is. Imagine His heart which is full of love and compassion towards you. Out of His love, He surely wants to be there with you, He wants to help. Furthermore, He wants to help you the best way He knows, so please do not expect Him to act the way you want Him to. He does not like being put into a box. He is much more creative and full of wisdom than we could ever imagine. He knows the future and as He wants the best for His children He has already figured it out. So please, my friend, my dear sister stop for a minute or two in your struggles and go to Him, pour out your heart before Him and let Him love you, comfort you, hold you. Let His lovingkindness, His compassion, and His unconditional love wash over you. Rest a while in His presence and let His Holy Spirit minister to you. The Rock of Ages promised to never leave you, you are holy and beloved, His precious treasured child. He will walk with you through the fire, He will hold back the waves of the sea so you can walk through it and He will show you the way that He has already prepared for you because He cares for you and He loves you. Do not forget please: every step of the way He is at your right hand ready to help should you stumble or fall, ready to cheer you on when He sees you losing strength and ready to pat you on the back for every test you pass. His love just would not let Him act differently. That is how amazing God’s love is towards His children, towards you. He does not have favourites, or if He does then He has billions and surely you belong to the club.
I have had my portion of struggles lately, due to a back problem I experienced physical pain that went beyond child-bearing – and I gave birth six times. (How foolish it was of me to think I had a high threshold for handling pain.) In the midst of it all, I experienced the power of prayer and love that seemed overwhelming and went beyond understanding. I saw my family coming together and drawing closer to God, my older kids stepping up to the task of helping their dad, praying for me, over me, my church family lifting us all in prayer, and providing practical help in every possible way. I have never been so cared for and loved by so many my whole life, also I have never been so grateful, giving Him the praise for every blessing. Looking back I can see now how He had not only me and my healing on His mind but of so many of His children who He wanted to bless through it all. His ways and His plans are always higher, bigger and better than ours so let us make peace with it. With an instant miraculous healing (instead of going through surgery) my family and I would have missed it all; being carried and protected by the constant prayer of the church, experiencing the loving arms and acting feet of our Lord Jesus Christ through His people. As we read in Psalm 27,13 I can also testify that I have seen the goodness of God in the land of the living.
My friend, my dear sister, let me encourage you, if He did it for me, He will surely do it for you, because as I said you being a child of God, holy and beloved, you also belong with us, with the group of His favourites. That is His amazing love that never fails and never ceases and driven by His love He always proves Himself faithful.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
With much love,