God’s Love is Amazing

God’s Love is Amazing

I believe that one of the most transformative moments in our Christian walk happens when we receive a true revelation of God’s amazing love. For me, having the eyes of my heart opened to understand this greatest love has caused a turnaround in my faith journey that never ceases to amaze me.

This revelation came to me decades ago in a hospital room. My husband was suddenly taken to the Intensive Care Unit in a coma due to a health crisis. The doctors were uncertain about potential brain damage and I was weeping in shock and despair. In that dark moment, as I was huddled on the floor in prayer, a lady came and introduced herself as my husband’s oncologist. I ignored her and continued crying, but she stayed beside me and began to pray. As she prayed, she began speaking to me, and her first sentence hit me like a bolt: “Mrs. Tan, the Lord wants you to know that He loves your husband much more than you do.” She continued speaking but my mind was fixed on what she had already said.

In that instant, truth pierced my heart: “Yes, Lord! Of course! Your love is so great; you love him so much more than I do; how much more is your desire for him to be made well!” As this wonderful revelation sank in, I experienced what David states in Psalm 3:3. The Lord became my glory and the lifter of my head! I had cried unto Him with my voice and He heard me from His holy hill. Rising from the floor, both physically and spiritually, I stood upon the truth of God’s love and boldly declared the Lord’s healing and faithfulness in that hospital room. Faith infused my heart, enabling me to be at peace, trusting in the power of God’s love. Glory to God! My husband came out of his coma that same day and was discharged from the ICU three days later!

This hospital experience has become a lasting reminder of the truth that God’s love for each of us far exceeds any human love we can imagine. As Paul declares: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

The truth is, we do worry about our loved ones, but we can pause and reflect on God’s love for them and rest assured that God loves them even more than we do. He will take care of them and watch over them with perfect love. As we continue to pray in every situation, we can be thankful that our loving Father God is with us in every circumstance, working everything for good; He is in control and never leaves us.

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4). Just as God lifted my head in that hospital room years ago, He continues to lift us all up through every valley and trial. His love prevails even when circumstances overwhelm us, turning our tears into testimony and our mistakes into miracles. When anxiety creeps in about our loved ones, we can remember this profound truth that God who loves them infinitely more than we do holds them in His capable hands. Like that life-changing moment when I realized God’s love for my husband surpassed my own, may we remind ourselves of His perfect love that casts out every fear. We need not be dismayed, for the same power who lifted Jesus from the grave is the same power who lives in us and lifts our heads today!

Prayer Response
Dear Heavenly Father, as we become more aware and learn of Your amazing love, we have faith and confidence in You, and we will continue to put our trust in You no matter what happens. Though we walk with tears through valleys of heartache, we know You are with us because You love us. You understand when our emotions overwhelm us, and You remind us that Your love is unfailing, and that we need not fear or be dismayed. Thank You, Lord, that You continue to work on our behalf, even turning mistakes for good. Help us, Holy Spirit, to take moments daily to quiet our hearts and look to You, acknowledging the wonderful truth of Your everlasting love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Yen Tan

Yen Tan

The Author