Faith is spelled RISK

Faith is spelled RISK



My name is Anne Kristine Floden and I spent 3 months in the Middle East with my friends I studied at Bethel School of supernatural ministry in Northern California. We wanted to see revival happen in the Middle east. One day we were going to evangelize at a mall but before we went someone said we should ask Holy Spirit what to paint and then ask Him who to give it to. I thought this was a great idea for the ones that are good at drawing but I prefer just asking Him for words of knowledge and approaching people. However, my friend said that I should get out of my comfort zone and see what God will do. I thought to myself “Everyone at this table can at least draw more than me. I can barely even draw stick figures.”  I felt God nudging me telling me to take this risk. In my Spirit I saw a bow so I got the coloured pen and paper and googled a bow, so I tried to copy it. We went to the mall and after having eaten I was asking God who I should approach and to who He wanted to give this bow painting to. My friend and I saw two girls that were highlighted to us, as they were eating. And as we approached them I saw that one of the girls had a bow in her hair so I knew my painting was for her. We told them: “This might sound strange, but you were highlighted to us by God and we asked Jesus before coming what we should paint and we want to give this to you.” We both handed one of our little paintings to both of them. My friend’s painting was of course a masterpiece and I gave my humble drawing. She looked at the drawing I gave her and started laughing and I thought to myself “that makes sense, it’s funny how I even tried drawing” but she proceeds to tell me that she has been wanting a bow tattoo and that she was contemplating what font to use. She tells me this is a sign and wants my painting tattooed onto her. I was shocked and told her that she really doesn’t need to do that as she can find way better fonts than my painting. She was shocked that this was happening as I would have no idea about this, but God knows. I told her how this was a sign of how much God loves and cares for her, that out of all the people in the world’s largest mall God chose to pursue her. I share the Gospel of what Jesus paid for her and that she can live forgiven of sin and be in peace and right standing with God. She starts crying and can feel the love of Jesus drawing and pursuing her. She said that she walked away from God a long time ago and she didn’t know God loves her. She tells me that she wants to give her life to Jesus and I got to pray for her whilst in the meantime my friend is also leading her other friend to Jesus. I have witnessed lots of people receive healing and getting saved, but this one felt special and intentional. This showed me what God will do when someone is willing and obeys even when it doesn’t make sense. We are not called to shrink back in fear we are called to be the light of the world and to arise and shine. It’s not about who we’re not, it’s about who He is and Jesus inside of you loves adventure and to move on our obedience. So I challenge anyone reading this to take a risk. I like to say that faith is spelt R.I.S.K. You might be wondering if you got what it takes, and I’m telling you that if you have received Jesus into your heart you’re qualified. And watch what He will do with your YES to Him!





Anne Kristine

Hello, my name is Anne Kristine. I was born and grew up in Luxembourg but I’m originally from Norway. I am passionate about the Gospel being spread everywhere I go and for His church to rise and shine and see the Kingdom of God invade this earth.