Bloom Where You Are Planted

Welcome to Just for You.

Devotionals created with the women of Western Europe in mind.

Bloom Where You’re Planted

Hello. My name is Kathy and I live in Western Europe. Today I want to talk with you about the subject, “Bloom Where You are Planted.”

I have lived on three different continents in the last 15 years and the day that I moved to Africa was a challenging experience.
I had traveled 20 hours by plane and now I was lugging 3, huge 50 Lb duffle bags onto a platform so that the bus driver could put them on the bus that I would spend the next 4-5 hours to my destination. I was excited. I had waited years to go but I did not know the challenges of being obedient.

You see sometimes when, we say YES to the Lord, our emotions are running crazy and they don’t catch up with what we know we need to do.

When I arrived in Eldoret, Kenya. I found the culture, the traditions, the language, the description of what I thought I might do, the place (a live market place), the grocery store with things I did not know. Everything was different and I wondered how.. how I would meet these challenges. I prayed. I talked to the Lord. Then I had to get acquainted with all these new people. Some I was going to live with and I didn’t even know them before. There were a lot of challenges. Challenges are a part of life but perhaps not a complete move across the continent. Lol!

Maybe today, you are facing challenges in your life; a new job, no job, financial issues, a new school, new people! Everything around you seems to be haywire and you don’t know how in the world you are going to go forward or succeed, let alone “bloom where you are planted”.
But we can choose to bloom, we can choose to listen to the Spirit. The Bible tells us that He will go before us, Jesus will make a way when there seems to be none. The Bible says, that He will be with us … all the way, even to the end of the earth.
When you face challenges and you are in a new environment, or perhaps, maybe you just got married and there’s a whole lot of a new family that you want to be a part of but it is different…. Talk To God! He will help you and
You can bloom!

In fact, you can become a plant that’s tall and blooms with beautiful flowers. Do you know what those flowers do? They hold fragrance and that fragrance is what God uses to touch lives. You can “Bloom where you’re planted”.

Against all obstacles. Trust him , rest on the inside. WHEW! That’s hard and lean on Him. Lean like you’ve never leaned before. Tell him your troubles. He will help you. Sigh!

To feel peace.

He will help you to face those challenges head on and you will bloom. You will thrive because He has a plan. He’s got a plan that is better than yours.

It’s a good one. It has hope and it is not evil. That is what Jeremiah 29:11 says. Make sure that you lean on him today. Talk to him and He will help you “BLOOM, where you are planted”.

Let’s pray.

Father, thank you, that you are a God who hears and understands. You see our fears, all of our concerns and when we ask, the Bible says, you will, make a way. You shall, answer.
Lord, I pray that you will help my friends who are listening today. And help them to know that you are with them. You’ve not left them. And you will help them to BLOOM right where they are. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Well friends, I will see you again next week, no, maybe next month.
Love you. We will talk soon.