Beyond the Norm: Story

Beyond the Norm: Story

I attended this conference recently and I was not disappointed. I left inspired and encouraged and challenged and the conference went beyond my expectations. I travelled with pastor Janice who was leading worship on the night and to see the room fill with many ladies and the hunger for God was incredible, this really impressed me. On arrival to the conference, I was blessed to connect with many ladies and was impressed to hear many had travelled from afar that night and it was the first Christian event they attended. I was super blessed to reconnect with a friend that I had met at a conference in 2007 and have not seen since and we hugged and laughed and chatted for ages before the conference commenced.
The worship was powerful and really bought us into the presence of God. There was a powerful testimony of healing shared by a lady called Eilish who got healed from cancer and her passion and fire for Jesus was so evident. The guest speaker pastor Jody Quintana gave a dynamic word! I was blown away by her humility and transparency and honesty. She had grasped my attention from the very beginning by sharing some of her story and personal testimony which I felt really touched me and others in the room. Pastor Jody shared how God can mend and heal our brokenness and turn our darkest moments around for good. She challenged us all to stand on Gods word and promises and experience life changing moments as we surrender everything to him and trust him.
Pastor Jody then had an altar call and the presence of God and his anointing was so evident in the room. I was invited to pray with the ladies as I work with women’s ministry, and the host knew me. Many ladies came forward in tears, many seeking healing mind, body and soul. God for sure showed up and used us as his vessels to minister to these precious ladies. I felt Gods anointing so strong and got to prophecy to many and prayed healing to their souls and hearts and bodies and it was evident God was touching many. All glory to God for this conference and meeting the ladies at their point of need, many will never be the same again and where restored and healed in Jesus name.
After the prayer time we got served a beautiful meal and refreshments and got to have some wonderful fellowship together. Some of the ladies personally came to me and thanked me for the prayers and words spoken over them, this really encouraged me. I got to have some time fellowshipping with pastor Jody which was special and uplifting for me as she shared many stories of ministry and life. I knew God had brought me there that night was many reasons and I left super blessed, encouraged, and fired up and inspired beyond the norm!!!

Pastor Elaine

Pastor Elaine

The Author