A Fresh Visitation of the Spirit

A Fresh Visitation of the Spirit

I have been praying and dreaming for more than 35 years to see something like what we have experienced the last five days in Ugena (Toledo).
When John’s disciples came to ask if He was really the one who was to come or if they had to wait for someone else, Jesus answer *_”Go and tell John what you are seeing and hearing…”_*. If someone asked me if I believe that we are seeing the awakening of a revival in our *Emergent Generation* with which God will fulfill His will during the coming midnight hour, I would simply answer _*”let one of those who have come out of the camp tell you what we have been seeing and hearing during these days “*_
It is supposed that in a camp the youth are only interested in games and sports, and try to escape from the “tedious and boring” meetings, but what we have experienced this weekend has been amazing from the very moment of arrival, the most exciting activities were the times of worship and ministry, after 1 am they were still asking not to stop.
Nearly 400 participants, more than 50 gave their lives to the Lord or were reconciled with Him, and more than 20 received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, and almost all lived an experience of sanctification in one of the most intimate and exciting moments, when the preacher Itiel Arroyo, through Exodus 3:5, invited all those who wanted to surrender and consecrate their lives completely to the Lord and follow Him without reservation, will come to the front and leave their shoes at the front, suddenly one by one they were passing to leave their shoes in an atmosphere of divine presence that broke us all.
There is something special in the spiritual environment, the registrations had to be closed 15 days after opening because was collapsed, dozens and dozens of young people have been unable to participate for lack of places, young people from many churches that do not even belong to the Church of God, even from other European countries. We have committed ourselves that next year we will look for a place for at least double the capacity.
We closed the gathering by awakening and recruiting the warriors, the braves of this generation (Joel 3:9),the ones who will pave the roads, remove stones and prepare the hearts of the people to receive the desired of the nations who is soon to come, the precursors of His coming and of the new church culture.
Help us to pray for this moment and the project of an educational and training center for this generation, a project that was started more than 20 years ago, that was not completed, and that we believe God reserved for this moment.