What is special about that book?

What is special about that book?

I pray that each of you are having a great summer! This last week I was with hundreds of women around the world at our International Church Of God gathering in Indianapolis, Indiana. USA. Your testimonies of God‘s extraordinary love has already touched hundreds through our book. Whether it’s in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, English, Dutch or the beautiful French language, God is using it to touch countless women’s lives. What a blessing you are!

What a wonderful opportunity it is to share God’s love in multiple languages. But I ask you a question?

What is the real significance of this book or any book? A book is something filled with stories, whether they are fiction or nonfiction. Some books will be full of war, hurt, unrest, romance and adventure. But there is one book that has a different message. God‘s word! The Bible. It is the book of all times and it is still relevant in our world today. The Bible has all of these stories and many more but His extraordinary Love is continually poured out to mankind throughout the pages. His love and understanding of our situations gives us hope to continue on everyday.
Through every trial and circumstance that comes in our lives there are scriptures in His book that will encourage us to hold on to His hand.
Let us look at

1 Corinthians 13: 13. The word says, “now these three remain, Faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.”

We are smart and can do many things. Some will even accomplish great achievements. We might sore to the height of the top of our business. Women are multi-facetted. We raise thriving families, overcome obstacles, pay the bills and help others but it may mean nothing unless we discover the meaning of life. It is in the book, God’s book.

Jesus wants to be in our life, to give us His love which will take us through our daily tasks and trials.

Faith, Hope, Love, but the greatest is love. God‘s extraordinary love is waiting to be shared with your neighbors, your friends, your family, strangers and even your enemies. God will change the world but only through His love.

I challenge you today to be a world changer! My hope is that we will allow His love change wherever we walk, to move mountains around us that we may touch many people. He wants all to know His extraordinary love!!

Let’s pray:
Father, I thank you for all of the dear ladies across Western Europe and beyond. Thank you for their commitment to their own families. Thank you that you continue to help them as they walk through every circumstance in their life. Would you help each one reading this to experience your love. Help us to know your love that we might help others. We want to embrace and accept your grace. We ask for your forgiveness today that we might have eternal life with you. Thank you for changing our lives through your extraordinary love. Help us to be world changers! O
Thank you Lord. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.

Dr. Kathy Watson-Swift

Dr. Kathy Watson-Swift